Quick & Easy Homemade Play Dough recipe:
Give your kids a play doh and watch them being creative. Play doh is one such thing which every kid loves to play no matter what age they are in and for pre-schoolers it is one of the first things where they they get to experiment their creative skills. So here in this blog i will be sharing play dough recipe and trust me, You would never want to get a store-bought play doh if you try this quick and easy homemade play dough recipe.
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 3/4 cup salt
- 2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 2 cups lukewarm water
- Food coloring or glitters
- Zip top bags
Preparation :
Combine the flour, salt and cream of tartar in a large pot and place it on a medium heat. Add water and oil to it and keep stirring it constantly until the dough starts to thickened. It should take approx 5 minutes. Take it out and place it on a table and allow to cool slightly and then knead until smooth.The cream of tartar makes this dough last for months.
After Kneading it to make it smoother, divide the dough into balls (as many colors you have) and add colors to it as shown in the picture below.
Knead the dough again to evenly spread the color all over the dough and that’s it. You are ready to play with your home-made play dough.
For longer use, store the play dough inside zip top bags once done to keep them soft. This lasts for months and because my son plays with it every single day, i usually replace it with fresh ones once in 2 months.
Uses of a Homemade Play dough:
- It’s home made and is non-toxic so it’s completely safe
- In-expensive when compared to the store ones
- Make it in 5 Minutes and it can last for months
- Can be customized to your favorite colors
- Don’t have to worry about kids mixing the colors as you can make a new one easily.
- Super soft and squish
Give kids Play dough and watch them being Creative. After all, “Creativity is Intelligence having fun”
Look at my pre-schooler making planets with the play dough. Isn’t that amazing??