The Festival begins Thursday, November 15 and runs for eight weeks, Thursday through Sunday evenings, from 5:30 pm-10 pm until closing day on Sunday, January 6, 2019. A great social outing for the young and the young at heart, whether it’s a family night, date night, or group outing, visitors will be entertained with a unique and fun night of Chinese culture.
The theme of the Chinese Lantern Festival is The Wild , the Fairplex grounds will be transformed into a global wonderland, showcasing life size animals (including lions, pandas, whales, hippos, etc.) from around the world including Africa, Asia, Anartica, Oceania, and the Americas. Not only will the animals be lit from within with LED lights, many will be interactive and will have many visitors do a double take because of their movements.
In addition to the lanterns, a craft marketplace will have authentic Chinese jewelry, embroidery art, artifacts, sugar art, paper-cut, fabric art, dough figurine and other merchandise for purchase. With nightly kung fu performances (and lessons at the end of each show), shadow plays, and the tastiest food, the Festival promises to amaze those of every age.
Tickets can be purchased at the event or online at: Tickets are $27 at the door or $21 online for adults, $23 at the door or $19 online for senior citizens, $19 at the door or $15.50 online for children ages 4-12 and free for children ages 4 and younger. Early bird specials by Nov. 1 are $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $13 for children
This looks so beautiful and amazing! I wish I could see it in person. Thanks for sharing the info and for the beautiful photos!