The Last Bookstore is California’s largest used and new book and record store and this place is a HUGE two story building , the ground floor has bestsellers filled with books, vinyl records, etc. They’ve got all genres to look through. And on the second floor, they have photography, sculptures, little craft stores, art galleries and MORE. They also have a tunnel made up of books which is great for a photo-op!
There’s a raised stage where events like readings and book signings take place
There’s also a kid’s section where they have numerous books for kids of all ages with a cute seating. My little one (18 months old) had a great time trying to read and looking at the colorful pictures in those books.
This place is a treasure hunt and luckily I found a couple gems for a really good deal. The best part is, most of the books here are only for $1.00(used books in a good condition). They also have Yelp check-in discount on used books.
Don’t forget to check out the the second floor, which is definitely a Instagrammble place .
The Last Bookstore has everything a book lover ever wanted. I hope they preserve this bookstore for years to come.
Location :
453 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Admission :
Links :
Website :
Facebook : @lastbookstore
Instagram : @lastbookstorela
Summary :
I would definitely recommend this to everyone, even if you are not a book lover, you will really have a great time ! I would also recommend bringing your kids here before bookstores die out like dinosaurs .
This is the coolest bookstore in the world! I don’t really call myself a bookworm but I do love to read. It looks like the perfect place to spend all day reading in!
I’m a huge book nerd and this place is right up my street. I love the fact you have all these incredible books under one roof. I completely agree with the Instagramable shot; I’d certainly take a photo too!
I loved how the bookstore made up the tunnel of books. The other quirky decorations are also instagrammable. No wonder your little one enjoyed his time. I wish something like this was there near my home!
The bookstore is really amazing. Judging from the Instagram pictures, I’m sure it would have a lot of books in different genres.
Being a book lover, this place looks like a heaven to me. Whenever I plan to visit LA, I’ll make it a point to visiting the book store. Also, I loved all of the pictures but the last one where the book shelf is sort of hanging is my favourite one. Thanks for sharing.
WOW! This is awesome find. Wish I had known about this when i was there two months back. I am a sucker for good bookstores. I would have totally loved this treasure hunt.
I would love to visit this place since I’m in love with books! I’m kinda opposite to you, I always buy books in bookstores. Those pictures that you posted on Instagram look really cool!
I love books and book stores… this store seems to have a massive collection 😊👍🏼
I love stumbling across book shops, but it’s true- I’ve never heard of any massive book stores anymore that aren’t massive chains like Indigo or Chapters! I love how creative they are playing with creating different sculptures and shapes with the books! I only buy from second-hand book shops, and one of my favourites uses lego to help divide the books, and that’s what this place reminds me of! Great find!
It’s wonderful to have such kind of bookstore in your place. The way they arrange the books are amazingly beautiful. Children will certainly love a place like this. Thank you for sharing this great books store.
That is a lot of books! I would love to visit this amazing place but it’s going to cost me a fortune to fly to LA. But one day, I will definitely visit it!
What a cool store. I tend to borrow from the library these days as I read books so quickly!
Oh my gosh – I would want to move in and never leave. Even though it’s so easy to purchase and download books online, there is something so satisfying about browser through stacks of books, and having them in your hands. Thank you so much for sharing….now I want to go experience The Last BookStore for myself.
OMG I need to visit that place! I love it. It looks awesome
This is the coolest bookstore I’ve ever seen! I won’t be going to Cali anytime soon… lol But will keep this gem in mind if I ever make it 😉
This is such a cute bookstore. I’ve seen pics of it on Instagram but didn’t give it a second glance. Reading your post today was informative.
Hi! My daughter is also 18 months old! I also enjoy visiting bookstores as it’s a great way to browse for the books that I would like to purchase. I’m thankful that my daughter loves to read too!
This place is amazing! I would be hard to make leave from a bookstore that is this amazing.
Oh I love this and will have to check it out. Great place to visit with the fam. There’s nothing like a good book. That tunnel of books alone is quite impressive.
I am sure I wil spend hours here if I visit this last bookstore.It really looks attractive for any book lover!
This looks like such a beautiful book store to visit. I have been to some cool record stores. But this looks like the equivalent for books. So cool.
What a lovely place to go grab some knowledge, So well kept as well.. Lovely stuff.
This is one huge bookstore indeed. I would love to visit here some day. The number of books is amazing but they art is so extraordinarily unique. Thanks for sharing the awesome place to visit.
This would be a great place to visit some day. The amount of books is amazing but the art there is extraordinarily unique. Thanks for sharing this awesome place to visit.
Oh this looks so heavenly. What an awesome place for a bookworm like me! I totally love those amazing shots.
that bookstore looks amazing. luckily we still have barnes and nobles around here in new york city. i think i’ll cry if they completely go away.
I love that there’s a bookstore tunnel! It’s neat that books are everywhere!
amazing post too lovely in reading n i love bookstore too thanks for sharing n keep it up thanks a lot