When I posted my 1st month review blog few days back, I compared most of the people’s monthly reviews with mine and was pretty happy to see my numbers . So I thought of writing a blog on how / what I did to gain such huge numbers in a month.
It is easy to write a blog but hard to build traffic on it . So these are the steps which I followed to gain traffic on my website.
Content :
You must have probably heard this before the term “content is king” . Yes the most successful content is the kind that meets a “specific need”.Think about your audience and stand in their shoes , what type of blogs do you love to read?? The one which is useful to you? Or the one in which the author writes about her personal life ?? No one is interested to read about your personal life unless they follow your website frequently. You are a beginner and you are struggling to build some traffic, so blog about what is useful to your readers.
Evergreen content :
Evergreen content is the kind of content that can live forever on the web and that time won’t make irrelevant. Some examples for evergreen content are recipes, blogging tips, travel tips etc.
Headline :
I believe that a powerful headline is most important than the actual post lol. Don’t feel shy to experiment with different headlines. Share your post multiple times with different headlines and see which style works best.
Publishing :
If you see my website it contains 17 blogs in my first month , which means I published a blog almost every alternate day . YES , If you are a New blogger then you have to post your blogs as much as possible and not once a week ( like professionals do) .I use to write 4-5 blogs ever weekend and publish them accordingly on weekdays. Which means I get a whole week to promote my blogs.
Consistency :
This is the very important step which every successful blogger follows. Set a time and stick to it. Post all your blogs on the same time whether you post every alternate day or once a week . By doing this your followers & Frequent visitors will have an idea when & at what time your new post is going to be published.
Promoting :
This is the heart for your website. As I said in my previous blog , views before promoting were ZERO and after promoting were morethan 6000 . If you are posting a blog then the other day should be your promoting day. Promote as much as you can on all the social networking sites. I promoted mostly in groups of Facebook , boards on Pinterest , and shared magazines with other bloggers on Flipboard. My 40% views are from Facebook , 40% from Pinterest + flipboard+ StumbleUpon, and 20% views from twitter, Reddit, Bloglovin and G+.
Interaction :
Interact with other bloggers by commenting on their blog posts. You never know you might get an opportunity of guest blogging on their website someday which results in building a huge traffic on your website.
Participate in Q+ A sites :
Everyday thousands of people ask questions on the web. There are thousands of websites where they search answers for. Some popular websites which I followed are Yahoo! Answers , Answers.com , Quora , StackExchange.
Sharing buttons :
Make sure your social media sharing buttons (including subscriptions) are CLEARLY visible to your readers. Add them on top and bottom of your content , it makes easy for readers to spread the word.
So that’s it , I followed all the above steps last month to gain a huge traffic and hoping to learn new things in the coming months. I hope these little tips would have helped you, like they helped me.Best of Luck and please don’t forget to subscribe for more updates !!!
you’ve got your own tips for increasing traffic to your website?? I’d love to hear & learn them 🙂
These are all great tips, Being consistent is a BIG part of being successful as a blogger.
This really works! I did this my second month of blogging, I got 7k!
“YES , If you are a New blogger then you have to post your blogs as much as possible and not once a week”
Guilty! Hahaha the most i’ve posted in a week is 2. I just can’t seem to find the time to juggle work and blogging. I’ll have to improve on my time management.
Hey, these are some great tips! How do the Q&A sites help? Do you just casually slip your blog link in with your answers, or do you talk about how you answer these kinds of questions on your blog, etc?
I just search on some topics on which i could answer and post my blog links over there
This post is so helpful for those looking for tips to boost their SEO. Really great information for bloggers!
Congratulations on your success and thank you for sharing how you achieved these numbers.
Great tips. Sure wish I had learned these my first month.
I’m totallly trying this
Fantastic advice. I managed to have 1 blog post go viral and believe it or not it was the second artical I ever wrote. It was a lighthearted look at working in a call center. I have yet to replicate those results but I still kero trying.
Congratulations on doing so well! These are some really fantastic tips you have here!
Amazing tips! Thanks for this! Congrats! xx
These are great suggestions. I think that being consistent and promotion are the biggest things.
Awesome! Thanks so much for these tips!
I love your tips and they are so true. I try to have new posts at least 3 times a week, sometimes 4. And you’re right, content is king!
Thank you for sharing! I am a new blogger and these tips were very helpful! Especially about how new bloggers need to post more often than professional bloggers! That is what I need to work on the most!
Congrats on getting 6000 a month. I started one month and then switched hosting sites because I felt like I had better options and more flexibility, plus my subscription was easier to find for my blog. So I hope to get there soon. I feel like I’ve made a good start though. Congrats on how well you are doing.
these are fantastic! And good for you!!
WOW! That is AWESOME! Thanks for the tips! Congrats!
These are great tips. I follow most of them, and will look at incorporating the rest to see if it makes a difference in my page views.
Excellent tips!! Thank you for sharing! I need to organize myself better. I find it difficult working full time and also having a YouTube channel.
Great tips! Congrats!
| diaryofasouthernmillennial.com
Great tips and that many visits in your first month truly is inspiring!! I just want to quickly add, more than should be two words, not one. 🙂 Great read!!
I would say that consistency and promotion are two key attributes to follow for sure. Promotion helps get your blog out there x
This is quite awesome! Congratulations on your achievement and it’s really all about your efforts and hard work! I’m sure you’re going to get so much better in the coming months.
wow! That’s amazing! How much time in a day do you spend promoting your blog?
I have a one year old son and i hardly get time in the day time. I go online only when he sleeps 🙂
Your advice is on point.. I really need to work on my consistency I just keep running out of photos to post on my instagram which is a problem!! Im bookmarking this page to make sure I keep coming back to it to remind myself of these key points! thank you 🙂
Publishing more content has actually helped me grow my daily views a lot.
I had never considered participating in Q + A! Thank-you so much for sharing these tips, hopefully I can grow my traffic too!
This is a very informative post! I’ve just started out and my numbers are good but I am looking to improve. Great tips!
I support my clients as a business coach so I am not a blogging expert. Your tips are great! Thank you 🙂
These are my tips to create good and relevant content, what do you think?
I haven’t think of participating in a Q&A but would love to consider that. I have a 2 year old son and I only have time to get online when he sleeps.
Same here, I have 1year old son and I come online only when he sleeps
Those are great stats for the first month! Good SEO is important too, it makes a big difference to organic traffic.
Thanks for this tip. It took me a year before I could reach 6,000 views in a month…
Pinterest is definitely a platform I want to focus more on! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I will definitely need to use these tips. I know I try blogging about things that are interesting and relevant to my target audience today.
Great tips, as a new blogger, your number of views are inspiring!! I really, REALLY need to add the social media sharing buttons to my blog! Better put it on my to do list for today! X
Does the niche matter? What’s your niche? The only Q and A group I’ve tried is Quora and I have never received traffic from there. I’ve spent hours making sure people were in that niche, but not once did I get traffic. I upvoted on Reddit for you.
I don’t think so, Coz even I don’t have a niche , I just write random stuff and promote it on the social networking sites. I don’t get a lot of traffic from Quora or other Q & A sites either. Even though the number is low,it does matter. I get most of the traffic from FB. 🙂
Great blog 😊 good stuff! Congratulations and Good Luck!
I honestly enjoyed readig this and had to bookmark so i can come back to it. Thank you for helping those of us struggling. We truly appreciate.